Kingsmen Private Security Consulting LLC provides Michigan CPL Classes (also known as Conceal Pistol License) to the entire State of Michigan. We teach Firearm Training classes in Michigan, from basic firearm instruction to advanced Firearm Training and Tactical Training in Michigan. Our network of Instructors are NRA Certified and have backgrounds in law enforcement, military , medical and the private security industry. We provide Firearm Training in Michigan and security consulting to churches, businesses, and private individuals. Our 1 Day Michigan CPL/CCW Classes and Firearm Training classes are located in Ingham County at Cheif Okemos Sportsman's Club located at 4533 N. Gunnell Rd. in Dimondale MI, Isabella County Black Creek Conservation Club, located at 2643 Chippewa Rd. Mt. Pleasant MI., and Kent County MI. and Onondaga Sportsman Club located at 5124 Gale Rd. Onondaga MI. 49264 Learn more about class locations in Michigan on the class calendar.
CPL Class Monday Feb.17th at Onondaga Sportsmen's Club, Located at 5124 Gale Rd. Onondaga, MI. 4926
Michigan CPL Classes in Isabella County, Michigan are taught at Black Creek Conservation Club,Located at 2643 Chippewa Rd. Mt.Pleasant MI. 48858. 7 miles East of Mt. Pleasant. The class is taught in the spacious club house where there are clean men and women restrooms for the students. In the Isabella County CPL Class, Students will learn the basics of situational awareness,firearm safety, how to properly handle a firearm, CPL Laws, selecting a firearm, establishing a mindset, and much more. A lunch break will be given just before student go outside to shoot. Student are required to shoot 100 rounds of ammunition in the CPL Class in Michigan. We shoot on 1 of many pistol bays. Before shooting or loading firearms we go back over the ranges rules again and give solid instruction on when to load, make ready, and when to fire. In the Isabella County CPL Classes student will shoot at 8 by 11 targets. The distance students will shoot from is
3 yards
5 yards and
7 yards.
Students will learn and shoot from the Isosceles and weaver stance and from behind cover in our Michigan CPL Class. We set a strong foundation for the basic as it is often said one who maters the basic is a expert.
To learn more about our CPL Classes in Isabella county, look around at our page see all we offer. To register for a CPL Class in Mt.Pleasant MI go to the Shop page find the CPL Class you want and click the buy now button
Kingsmen PSC in Lansing teaches the CPL/CCW Class that is Approved by the State of Michigan but exceeds the expectation of the of required elements. We believe in teaching you skills that are necessary to defend your self and your family. The Michigan CPL Class starts with a proper introduction to the CPL Class. You will have to fill out a registration card with your name ,date of birth, email, and shooting experience. Snacks and drinks will be provided and a lunch break will be given. Once we start the teaching we cover several Concealed Carry topics and incorporate practical exercises related to Conceal Carry in the State of Michigan. The opportunity will be given to question the attorney about any Michigan CPL laws or topic related to MI stand your ground laws. In the Michigan CPL Class you will learn gun safety rules and on the range. On the range you will be required to shoot 100 rounds of ammunition. We shoot in all weather conditions so please dress for the weather. At the end of the Michigan CPL Class you will be given a certificate of completion. There will be instruction on what to do with the certificate. The Certificate you receive in the Michigan CPL Class will expire after 5 years if you do not apply for your Michigan CPL at the county clerks office in which you live. Our class covers all the information in detail before the end of the CPL Class. CPL Classes in Lansing Michigan in Mount Pleasant
There is nothing more important than feeling safe in your own home. A home invasion is a particularly frightening form of burglary that occurs when intruders force their way into an occupied home, often with the intent to rob or harm the residents. Recognizing the seriousness of this threat, it is crucial for homeowners to be prepared, both in preventing such occurrences and in knowing how to respond if they happen.
In this workshop, you will learn about the essential measures Before, During and After a home invasion. Home invasions are a serious threat, but with proper preparation and response strategies, you can significantly reduce the risk to yourself and your loved ones. Education on security measures and having a clear action plan are critical in protecting your home and family from such traumatic events. Use the code: Kingsmen to get in for free.
Kingsmen PSC has sevreal CPL Classes in Michigan. In Ingham county we teach CPL Classes at Onondaga Sportman Club located at 5124 Gale Rd. Onondaga Michigan 49264. Onondaga MI is about 32 miles south of Lansing MI. When arriving to Onondaga Sportman Club for our CPL Class your will see a small red and white sign for the club, it is the only driveway with a guard rail on the north side of the drive. In this Cpl classes students will learn basic of a firearm, firearm safety, CPL Laws, components of a firearm, gun handling skills, sight picture, sight alignment, trigger control, and much more. The class room is at comfortable temperature and has clean men and women's restrooms. In this Ingham County CPL Class student will shoot outdoor on a 25 yard pistol range. Students will shoot from
We shoot for cover and from the weaver and isosceles shooting stance.
Gun safety will be repeated several times in the cpl class and on the range. In our CPL Classes student will shoot with both hand on the firearm,strong hand and weak hand, point shooting, and clear malfunctions. We will teach you these skills with dry fire exercises first before we go live. To learn more see our firearm training page. To register for a CPL Class in Ingham County the Shop page and click the buy now button
Our Lansing Michigan cpl classes are taught just outside of Lansing at Cheif Okemos Sportmen Club located at 4667 N. Gunnell Rd. in Dimondale MI. 48821. The range is about 15 mile west of Lansing. In this Cpl class students will learn basic of a firearm, firearm safety, CPL Laws, components of a firearm, gun handling skills, sight picture, sight alignment, trigger control, and much more. The class room is at comfortable temperature and has clean men and women's restrooms. In this Ingham County CPL Class student will shoot outdoor on a 25 yard pistol range. Students will shoot from
We shoot for cover and from the weaver and isosceles shooting stance.Gun safety will be repeated several times in the cpl class and on the range. In our CPL Classes student will shoot with both hand on the firearm,strong hand and weak hand, point shooting, and clear malfunctions. We will teach you these skills with dry fire exercises first before we go live. To learn more see our firearm training page. To register for a CPL Class in Ingham County the shop page and click the buy now button
Kingmen PSC takes pride and is honored to teach CPL Classes and Firearm Training in Michigan. When you attend a Michigan CPL Class at Kingsmen PSC you can expect to learn and enjoy your firearm. Why pay for a firearm, training, and a CPL and then be left with doubt, worry or be uncomfortable with carrying a firearm. When coming to Michigan CPL Classes at Kingsmen PSC you will learn how to safely operate your firearm. In our CPL Class you will learn the basics first, this sets a solid foundation for advanced Firearm Training, but the basics need to be mastered first. After covering the basic you will be confident to conceal carry your firearm. Students that attend our Michigan CPL Classes are not just left on there own after the class. Once you have completed a CPL Class an instructor will go with you to help you select a firearm if you wish. We understand that students don’t always have a firearm before the class and that’s ok, we have several firearms for you to try out. Kingsmen PSC holds events called range days. Range days are simple, because everyone learns at a different pace, we want to be sure you are comfortable and confident in your new skill sets. Range days allow our students to enjoy a day at the range for free, receiving free freshers on their shooting skill and instruction on the class they attended. That’s not all! when you attend a Michigan CPL Class at Kingsmen PSC you receive discounts on some of our more advance Firearm Training in Michigan.
Benefits again:
· Help with firearm selection
· Free range days
· Discounts on select firearm training
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Michigan CPL Classes
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